Monday, July 09, 2007


It's the barbarians against the Neanderthals: more than we could have dared hope! Al Qa'eda declaring war upon Ahmadinejad and his henchmen. And this is no idle threat. Check this out:
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, who leads the group Islamic State in Iraq, said his Sunni fighters have been preparing for four years to wage a battle against Shiite-dominated Iran.

“We are giving the Persians, and especially the rulers of Iran, a two month period to end all kinds of support for the Iraqi Shiite government and to stop direct and indirect intervention ... otherwise a severe war is waiting for you,” he said in the 50-minute audiotape. The tape, which could not be independently verified, was posted on a Web site commonly used by insurgent groups.

Let's hope they draw in all the other cavemen.

Cross-posted here


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