Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Here's a little mathematical guided meditation exercise for you: take the words in Western media outlets that will be spent on this story and subtract the number of words that would have been spilled if the ones throwing the rocks had been Israeli rightwingers. Now take the absolute value, convert it to exponents, and sit in front of your computer being depressed because if you had that kind of money you wouldn't be at work right now:
Some 300 activists from the left-wing group Peace Now gathered in Hebron on Tuesday for a demonstration marking 40 years since Israel annexed the West Bank in the Six Day War. Substantial IDF and security forces were on hand to maintain order in case of disturbances, but the protest passed peacefully. However, local Palestinians threw stones at the Peace Now bus and a police vehicle after the demonstration. No one was hurt in the incident. The High Court of Justice authorized the protest on Monday. The group was protesting, among other things, the occupation of a Palestinian house by local settlers in April.
The peace activists are characterized by two salient features: (1) they're Jewish (2) they're against a Jewish presence in the West Bank. Presumably, the Palestinians weren't throwing rocks at them because they don't like Peace Now's stance on the Occupation.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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