Sunday, June 17, 2007


Wizbang talks about the ongoing clash between Hamas and Fatah, and makes a point about how neither side is any better than the other:
First up, Hamas needs to be isolated. Israel and Egypt are already taking steps towards sealing off the Gaza Strip, to keep the violence bottled up. But we should not be eager to back Fatah. For one, their own survival is still in doubt. For another, their own history -- as part of the Palestinian Liberation Organization -- is one marked with drug dealing, terrorism, and death.

I think this is an excellent opportunity to step back and let events unfold on their own for a bit. Let Hamas stew in their own fetid juices in Gaza for a while, and let the West Bank shake itself out for a bit. Right now the terrorists are, for the most part, killing other terrorists, and I don't see any great moral imperative to interrupt them.
We certainly shouldn't take the side of either ghoulish movement. Fatah is just as evil as Hamas, and should be recognized as such. I think what can be done though, is to plow down both sides, which, come to think of it, is what should've been done with Iran and Iraq when they were still clashing during the 1980s.

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