Sunday, June 24, 2007


In an interview with Der Spiegel online, Hamas founder Dr. Mahmoud Zahar says that Hamas acquired the weapons it used in its recent putsch against the coalition government in Gaza with American money!

SPIEGEL ONLINE: The militant wings of Fatah and Hamas have been fully armed over the last few months. Are these weapons still in circulation?

Zahar: There are naturally very many weapons around now. Two years ago, one bullet in Gaza cost around €3.50 -- now it would cost 35 cents. The American aid money has been translated into weapons. Thank you, America!

And George Bush & Ehud Olmert still want to send even more money and even more weapons to terrorist organizations that are committed to the ethnic cleansing of the Middle East and the genocide of the Jews.

1 comment:

  1. i don't mind US TAX DOLLARS going toward sending hamas and fatah bullets and bombs - as long as they are FREAKIN' FIRED!
