Friday, June 15, 2007


Fred is one of us.

He talks like us.

He feels like we do.

But unlike most of us, he's been in and around politics - and DC - for most of adult life. As key Senate staff, as a prosecutor, as a lobbyist, and as a Senator, (one who would have been easily re-elected, but chose to walk away).

While Senator, he chaired the Government Affairs Committee.

And all the time he remained who he always was - one of us.

Even in Hollywood he remained who he always was, and never kowtowed to the entertainment industry's liberal elite or towed their leftist line.

I think that says a lot about the man.
I think he knows his way around politics, and DC - and he knows who he is.

And what America is, too.

That's why I dub him The Outsiders' Insider.

And that's why he's my man.

YUP: I'm with Fred!

1 comment:

  1. While Fred has indeed spent most of his life in and around Washington, D.C., I think another one of his strengths is the fact that he has taken breaks from Washington here and there. In short, he's had a life outside politics that's helped him stay sane.
