Friday, June 08, 2007


Florida became the first US state on Friday to outlaw pension fund investments in any companies doing business with Iran's energy sector and with Sudan.

Several other states have divested pension funds with companies doing business in Sudan and some states have general policies against such investments. But none had put the action into law.

"It's not just what's right for Florida. This is what's right for America, it's right for the world," Gov. Charlie Crist said after signing the bill. "It says that Iran, the world's leading sponsor of terror, we will not stand idly by anymore. And to Sudan and the genocide that is occurring there, we will not stand idly by and let that happen anymore, not Florida."
BRAVO! Now what will Spitzer do? What will Schwarzeneggar do? Richardson? Rendell?

The Dems once demanded this response to pariah-hood; remember South Africa?

It's time for the free world to divest from Iran.


  1. Wow, this is great news.

  2. The Democrats are way ahead on this one- They were calling for divestiture from Iran way back in the mid-80's.

    (see Iran/Contra, arms-for-hostages deals...)

  3. yeah. and that's good. but it woulda bin better if democrat liberal james earl carter had defended the shah.
