Friday, June 08, 2007


This post is bound to tick some people off but it is where I'm coming from. Here are my bulletin points on immigration:
1) Border Security is the bottom line!

2) I hate to say it but some on our side have become irrational about this issue.

3) I'm glad the current immigration bill was killed!

4) I am for RATIONAL debate on this issue even though its hard to stomach at times.

5) Progress isn't made over night.

Read Peggy Noonan's, Slow Down and Absorb. To read the rest of my thoughts on this, go here!

1 comment:

  1. I downloaded the "bill" and read most of it. It is interesting that there is a very long section explianing that when an alian comes into this counrty without permission he/she is commiting a serious crime. The text goes on to detail deportation and/or imprisonment as the punishment.

    Then, as if by magic, it goes on to tell those who have already commited this serious crime they need only buy a get-out-of-jail card and be nice.

    Let's go with Peggy...CLOSE THE DOOR AND SORT IT OUT AS BEST WE CAN. To HELL with "comprehensive".

    I have a friend who can't get a passport to get back into the counrty after a cruise ship vacation, yet anyone who wants to can walk in.
