Sunday, June 03, 2007

The American Border War

Mexico's chaos is spilling over into our nation, and will continue to do so in increasing fashion. From Inside Tuscon Business, via Reflecting Light:
Northern Mexico is in a state of war. Who is fighting? That’s hard to say. Officially, it is the drug- and people-traffickers against each other and the government. But in Mexico, you can’t tell the players even with a program. You cannot assume the police or the Army are loyal to their commands. Many are working on their own.
... It is not too much to say there is a war going on right across the border. It’s not a hot war with firefights all the time. It is not a cold war, either, with posturing and press releases. Let’s call it a warm war. Violence breaks out from time to time for reasons unknown to us, but completely unpredictabl
And here’s the part you don’t want to hear. Violence has spread across the border and has resulted in several deaths of Americans residents and visitors. Most such crimes are reported as isolated incidents. But the violence in northern Mexico is not stopping at the border. It’s headed this way and a lot of Tucsonans know it
You can’t learn about it in most media, but the whispers around town are people saying they are thinking of getting out. It looks like war and it’s coming here. No government has acted to protect Americans living in Southern Arizona. Our federal government is in full collapse as far as the southern border is concerned. All we get from them is talk. The only action we see is toward integrating Mexico into the U.S. and Canada.
What will it mean when the border is actually abandoned and anybody is free to enter without inspection? It will mean that Southern Arizona, specifically Tucson, could become like Cananea [where five policemen and two residents were assassinated] and other parts of northern Mexico. Violence will overtake local police. State and federal authorities will look the other way.
The federal government should put troops on the border to defend the United States and its citizens. The troops should be given orders to use as much force as necessary to accomplish that task. No soldiers should be detailed to do paperwork and forbidden to fire on violators. This is another war and if we don’t act like it, we will lose this one too.
Reliapundit adds: If we were really protecting opur borders than Bush's amnesty for those here might pass. But without border security it will not.

BTW: If Mexicans think their so damn good (they are a patriotic bunch, no?) why is their country such a stinking mess which their ambitious children desire to leave?

Instead of flocking here, they should stay and have a real REVOLUTION, and then adopt the US Constitution and the US legal code. Then they might have a place as good as out one day.

WHY DON'T THEY?! Because they LIKE their stinking mess in Meixco and they are really coming here for RECONQUISTA.

Mexicans : USA :: Muslims/"North Africans" : Europe.

1 comment:

  1. See if you can follow this.

    1. Extreme drug violence in Colombia moves north starting in the 1970s.

    2. it hits Panama in the 80s.

    3. It reaches Mexico in the 90s.

    Can any one tell me where it might be headed next?

    I predicted it in the 80s when it became obvious. So many people told me I was nuts. "It can't happen here" they said.

    By restricting entry of drugs and people to the USA we are financing our enemies.

    I'm going to make another prediction. We as a country will be to stupid to figure out how to stop these self inflicted wounds.

    Those who wanted a drug war are getting it.
