Thursday, May 24, 2007


Why is Elisabeth finally dishing it back to Rosie and not holding back??

1) She's got nothing to lose, because Rosie is on her way out.

2) She's got pregnancy hormones that are helping her be a little more aggressive :-)!

3) She's probably tired of people accusing her of not defending herself.

I am very impressed with Elisabeth!! She is in a lion's den where she is the lone conservative against 3 other liberals. The audience is also clearly liberal and yet she holds her own, she doesn't back down, and she's articulate with facts to back up what she says.

Rosie on the other hand is a bully who tries to badger her opponents into agreeing with her and validating her. She sat there and accused Elisabeth of betraying their friendship when Elisabeth takes her crap every single day. To be honest, I think Rosie is a bully who dishes out hateful stuff but has such a low self-esteem that she can't take it when its dished back to her.


  1. I caught the tail end of this yesterday morning.

    Thanks for posting it!!!!!!!

    I'm going to tell my mate who called me to watch it. She is a genius. She thinks Rosie is an idiot.

  2. The audience who are present, at the tapings of the show in NYC, are liberal, but most of America is not.

    It would seem to me that Rosie and the whole show must be going down in flames. I believe most of America must be disgusted watching Rosie and her friends abuse Elizabeth like that, with their ridiculous conspiracy theories.

  3. Rosie is an idiot! She isn't smart enough to realize that if she's going to make inferences like she does, she shouldn't expect anyone to defend her! If she's going to open her big fat mouth, she needs to be ready to defend HERSELF. She shouldn't shift the focus from her ludicrous comment to Elisabeth for not "defending" her. I am so sick of her having an opinion on every freaking thing. NONE of which concern her. Noone cares about her opinion as much as she must think they do.

    Plus, Alicia Silverstone is a bitch for blowing Elisabeth off like that. She's giving your stupid ass publicity, and you blow right by her and hug everyone else? Obviously Elisabeth is the only one mature enough to not take all that crap personally. It is so infuriating.
