Saturday, May 05, 2007


We mean this without sarcasm: we are not looking forward to the day when lunatic Islamists finally get around to rampaging through Westminster. Here's how bad things are going:
This presents the British authorities with an opportunity to reassert the fact that all in Britain must abide by British law: they could move decisively to shut down these courts, and to criminalize Sharia in Britain. Will they do any of that? Probably not... Muslim radicals have established their own draconian court systems in Britain. Controversial Sharia courts have been set up in major towns and cities to impose Islamic law and enable Muslims to shun the legitimate British legal system. Last night religious leaders and politicians expressed outrage that Sharia law is gaining an increasing foothold in our society. Critics insisted that the Government is allowing a two-tier legal system to flourish in the name of political correctness and that the authority of UK justice is being undermined.
Add this to shameless public calls for sharia law, and the situation looks less like an excess and more like a trend. And in case you were wondering how British journalists are choosing between confrontation and appeasement, here's another article about execrable Journalists boycott of Israel. This one identifies the journalists' moral cowardice partly as an attempt to make nice with the radical Muslims in their midst. In addition to latent anti-Semitism and fashionable European leftism (is there a difference any more?), it's probably not far from the mark.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

1 comment:

  1. Many things about England just don't surprise me anymore.
