Sunday, May 13, 2007


I post this article knowing that many will disagree with its contents and with the opinions I will express. Here's the article:

Anger over the decision by foreign governments to boycott events
marking the 40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem showed no sign of
subsiding Sunday evening, with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni voicing her own
consternation about the issue.

"Even if the world hasn't yet recognized a united Jerusalem, the connection between Israel and Jerusalem is inseparable," the foreign minister said. "It is not dependant on the position of non-Jewish nations.

"It is our responsibility to continue to strengthen the connection
between the Jewish people and the city," Livni continued. "And at the same time,
to impress this fact on the international community."

Earlier Sunday, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski blasted foreign
governments for their decision.

"Anyone who doesn't recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel does not recognize the state of Israel," Lupolianski said in a statement.

He added that Israel needed to send out an unequivocal message to
the world, and not capitulate on this issue. "Israel is the only country
in the world that allows other countries to boycott its capital and not [locate] their embassies in the city," he added.

The unusually harsh remarks from the haredi mayor comes after US
and EU ambassadors declined to attend a VIP event at the Knesset marking the
40th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.

Lupolianski warns Jerusalem could fall into Hamas

Sources close to US Ambassador Richard Jones said Sunday that Jones
would not be participating in Monday's Jerusalem Day ceremony at the Knesset. It
was not yet clear whether his decision to absent himself, which followed a
similar decision by the EU, was politically motivated.

In an address in Jerusalem last year, former US ambassador to
Israel Martin Indyk said that no US president would move the US Embassy to
Jerusalem except as part of a final peace agreement with the Palestinians, and,
repeat preelection pledges notwithstanding, it was unrealistic to expect such a

Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski warned Sunday of a demographic collapse that could cause the capital to lose its Jewish majority and transfer the city into the hands of Hamas.

And, that is the reason I support the goal of Israel to unite Jersusalem as the Capitol of their nation.

Let's get this straight: When the Palestinians voted for Hamas they voted for genocide. The Hamas Charter clearly calls for death to the Jews, and for the replacement of the state of Israel with a Muslim state ruled under Sharia law.

I used to support a two-state solution. I can no longer in good conscience do so. If I were to cast my support behind the two-state solution, I would be empowering Hamas to enact its genocide.

To cast your support behind Hamas is the equivalent of voting for the genocide of the Jews in Israel.


  1. Israel's eternal capital Jerusalem was united once and for all in 1967.

    This is not a Real Estate dispute...the traitorous Olmert government has no authority whatsoever in what is a irrevocable COVENANT between G_d and the children of Israel.

    Choose sides wisely.

  2. u r 1000000% correct.

  3. Pastorious-

    Think John the news.

    It angers me to hear a load of whining pussies bemoaning the Dhimmicrats plan to set a time table for the withdrawal from Iraq! This administration has for six years set various timetables for the dismantling of the Jewish State. and the annihilation of four and a half million Jews.

    Think John McTernan think the Bible and try to understand the prophesies. The Nations, led by the [Post]United States, have gathered against Israel; What comes next??? Will G_d fall for the phony excuses that characterize political rhetoric??? I G_d that stupid????

    Israel's enemies have put their stake in Allah.......even if they pretend to be Christians or Jews.

  4. Michael,
    Sadly, it seems true.

    At this point, as my post says, it goes even beyond God's Word. We can expect that those who do not believe in the Word of God will not believe that Israel is God's Land. But, when they abandon their dedication to "Human Rights" and support a government whose charter calls for the genocide of their neighbors, then you have the physical evidence for what is written in the Bible.
