Wednesday, May 16, 2007


We kind of like how they have special weeks for Israel hating, as if there are weeks when professors like Mark Levine aren't disseminating vicious lies against the Jewish State. Maybe they just mean this is when they try to be especially offensive instead of just rabidly vicious. Confirmation of our theory: the scheduled "Zio-Nazis" event. Problems with our theory: they say that the rest of the year too. Anyway, here are some of our favorite events, just a small subsection of their total events. Don't feel bad about your tax dollars funding this - most of the MSU's money comes from mysteriously well-funded, vaguely wahhabist mosques that have no official ties whatsoever to Saudi Arabia:
MONDAY - Hamas - Speaker - Imam Mohammad al-Asi
TUESDAY - Zio-Nazis - Speaker - Lenni Brenner
WEDNESDAY - Israel: A Mockery to Democracy - Speaker - Lenni Brenner
THURSDAY - Terrorists, Freedom Fighters, & The Holy Land - Speaker - Amir Abdel Malik Ali
THURSDAY - The UC Intifada: How You Can Help Palestine - Speaker - Amir Abdel Malik Ali
We were going to conclude this post with snark about the prevalence of democracy in the Muslim world and an explanation of why "Zio-Nazis" is anti-Semitic under even the most liberal defenses of anti-Zionism (hint: would it be inappropriate to accuse the NAACP verbally "lynching" an opponent? Yes). But then we got to the part where they're having this guy declare an Intifada on American college campuses, and we figured that the goal of the week is mostly self-explanatory. We're probably just overreacting. Like "jihad", this oh-so-nuanced speaker probably means "intifada" in its less globally expressed and Saudi supported "self-overcoming" sense.

[Read an extended version of this post at Mere Rhetoric]

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