Monday, May 14, 2007


A survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League in France, Spain, German, Poland and Italy in March and April found that negative stereotypes about Jews had gained ground in these countries since 2005.

The study measured responses to these statements: that Jews are more loyal to Israel than their country, that they have too much power in the business world and financial markets and that they talk too much about the Nazi Holocaust of World War Two.

In all countries studied, with the exception of Italy, the poll found an increase since a survey in 2005 in the percentage of Europeans who felt Jews held Israel above their own states.
An average of 44% across the countries surveyed said Jews "probably" have too much influence on international financial markets, while close to half believe that "American Jews control US policy in the Middle East," the report said.

Thirty-nine percent of those surveyed said they believed that Jews had too much power in the business world.
It's rather amazing - if not, SHOCKING - that with all the bloody jihado-terror around the globe that ANYONE distrusts/dislikes/fears/suspects Jews and Israelis at all, let alone more than Muslims. The fact that it is measures the deep anti-Semitism of Europe and the propensity of people to engage in DEEP DENIAL.


SIMPLE: It is easier and "sweeter" to blame all the world's problems on 15 million Jews (and the neocons who "control the White House", and who can simply be VOTED OUT), than to accept the reality that perhaps 15% of the world's 1.6 BILLION Muslims (that's 240 MILLION PEOPLE!) support waging unlimited jihad against all infidels and destroying/subjugating Western Civilization.

Politicians who exploit this diathesis for denial - WHO'RE ALL ON THE LEFT - are merely a collection of short-sighted/self-serving demagogues, cowards/appeasers, and Gramscian Lefties (who think that a crippled West will be easier for them to take over and transform into a "Leftist Utopia").

Sarkozy and the Pope and their few allies around Europe could maybe possibly turn the tide. they have a few years to do this. If they fail, then Europe will first become a big version of Turkey: a seemingly sectarian society which pays obeisance to Islam and is hostile to Judeo-Christianity. Then, Europe will devolve into another Iran: a totalitarian Islamic state.

This is the stated goal of our enemy. And until Europeans mount a credible counter-attack I assume the enemy will win.

I hope Sarkozy and the Pope prove me wrong - and save Europe from dhimmitude and them islamofascism.

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