Thursday, May 03, 2007

Military Censorship

The Army is effectively shutting down Army blogs. This is stupid. Sgt Mom says something like: "What did you expect? It is all about Power and Control." (see how easy it is to get a link from me? LOL)

We need more information from the Army, not less. So what do they do? Put a big kink in the hose.

I think this has gone beyond stupid and is now firmly into insane territory.

My guess is that this is a move to cover for the inarticulate Commander in Chief. If he can't adequately express himself no one can. Especially, he doesn't want to be upstaged by some 2nd Lt or a private even. However, that is strictly a guess.

Here is what I think should be done:

It seems to me that the way to handle this is blog teams. Each member of the team is assigned to censor all the others with a person responsible in each team. Self regulation.

Then you have a blog central to pass info and answer questions and handle opsec regulation.

I miss Armorgeddon.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values


  1. We need an investigation on who in Congress is applying pressure on the military. It's clear to me that someone doesn't like the military posting some of the responses to Dems that have been on the blogs ("Halp us mr. Cary...")
    With the porked up emergency funding bill that just got vetoed plus the delay in doing necessary funding, the military is being affected and the Dems don't want the public to hear about it.
    So...who's been talking to whom?

  2. "Liberal Democrats are attempting to muzzle conservative talk radio: they are assaulting free speech.(Quoted from your Fariness Doctrine article)

    And the military blogs are their first easy target. No vote necessary.
