Friday, May 04, 2007


“Most of the young people here in Zarqa are very religious,” an Islamist community leader said. “And when they see the news and what is going on in the Islamic countries, they themselves feel that they have to go to fight jihad. Today, you don’t need anyone to tell the young men that they should go to jihad. They themselves want to be martyrs.”

The anger is palpable on the streets of Zarqa. “He’s American? Let’s kidnap and kill him,” one Islamist activist said during an interview with a reporter before the host of the meeting dissuaded him.

The stories of the men from Zarqa help explain the seemingly endless supply of suicide bombers in Iraq, most of whom are believed to be foreigners.
FASCINATING! RTWT! Three things JUMP OUT at men:

  • (1) All this happens under the nose of our SUPPOSED ally - King Abdullah II.
  • (2) Here is ANOTHEZR case of these genocidal/suicidal maniacs calling themselves RELIGIOUS - and most people see fear to call this global war, WW4, a religious war. IT IS! And, it is because they say it is, and they are instigating the war.
  • (3) The NYTIMES IS EXPLICITLY ADMITTING THAT MOST OF THE SUICIDE BOMBERS IN IRAQ ARE FOREIGN! This measn that they MUST ADMIT that the "insurgency" is NOT a native rebellion against the USA occupation or a native rebellion against the native/elected, but part of global jihad - PART OF THE GLOBAL JIHAD EXACTLY LIKE 9/11.
  • AND ANOTHER THING: The NYTIMES fails to mention the "king" of Jordan once. NOT EVEN ONCE. Yet all this is happening under his nose.

I wish Bush enforced the Bush Doctrine: "You're either with us or with them." As a result of Dubya's wimpiness, we get double-dealing from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. As Iran gets closer to having a bomb, and Pakistan becomes less stable. These supposed "allies" are not doing enough to help us in the battles for Afghanistan and Iraq.

AND WE ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH TO FORCE THEM TO - or to strangle the Iranian and Syrian tyrannies.

Jihadist training schools like the one in Zarqa exist ALL OVER THE MUSLIM WORLD. THEY ARE, IN EFFECT, BOMB FACTORIES, and should be shut down or bombed.

If we CONTINUE TO fail to confront these nations, then in time, Iraq and Afghanistan will look like picnics compared the the battles that ahead - between the allies of modernity and the jihadist enemies of modernity - in Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. And Iran.

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