Friday, May 11, 2007


Some may have heard about the Hamas' Mickey Mouse ripoff that they launched on Gazan TV stations as part of their teaching of jihad. Although it was said that the Fatah told them to yank it off the air, as LGF reports, it's still on. (Hat tip: Michelle Malkin). No surprise there.

As Allahpundit at Hot Air says:
The only reason this is on the media’s radar screen now is because Hamas is using an iconic American symbol of innocence to tacitly justify suicide bombings. Take away Mickey and the illicit thrill that comes with seeing him turned to the dark side and it’s a non-story. As usual.
Which wouldn't be surprising either.

Update: here's another article about this from Der Spiegel (via the Newsarama blog). As they explain, "farfur" means butterfly in Arabic, but the character and his intentions are the complete opposite of what butterflies are like.

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