Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Before Sarko left for Germany and his first foreign visit, hje ordered all French schools to red the last letter of Guy Moquet. (French-Wiki bio HERE. He was the youngest of 27 anti-Nazi militants executed by the Germans in 1940 - before the USA joined in the WW2.)

President Sarko said that all children should learn the horrors of war - but I think he also wants to remind them that the courage to fight for, and even die for a cause greater than yourself is important. Here is the "Google translation"; (a better one will soon follow):
My small mom cherished, my very adored little brother, my small loved dad,

I will die! What I ask you, you, in particular my small mom, it is to be courageous. I am it and I want to be it as much as those which passed before me.

Admittedly, I will have wanted to live.

But what I wish of all my heart, it is that my serf death with something. I did not have time to kiss Jean. I kissed my two brothers Roger and Rino. As for true I cannot do it alas!

I éspère that all my businesses will be returned to you, they could be used for Serge, who I it discount will be proud to carry them one day.

With you, small Dad, if I made you, like with small Mom, many sorrows, I greet you last once. Knows that I made my to better follow the way than you traced me. A last good-bye with all my friends and my brother whom I love much. That it studies well to be later a man.

17 years and half! My life was short!

I do not regret any, if is not to leave you all.

I will die with Tintin, Michels .

Mom, which I ask you, which I want that you promise to me, it is to be courageous and to overcome your sorrow. I cannot put some more. I leave you all, all, you Maman, Serge, Papa, I kiss you of all my heart of child.


Your Guy who loves you

Last thoughts: “You all which remain, be worthy of us, the 27 who will die!”
The message for France: Be worthy. Be brave. Your true tests lie ahead.

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