Monday, May 21, 2007


I suspect Republicans will be flooding to support Eric Dondero in his bid to unseat Ron Paul. Name one Republican that likes Ron Paul right now, except for maybe Chuck Hagel. Perhaps Rudy too, for Paul making him look good at the debate. Otherwise, he is an outcast that not only doesn't have a prayer of winning the Republican nomination for President but is also likely to lose his House seat.

Nate Nelson had this to say about Eric Dondero on his blog:
Congressman Ron Paul is like a sore on the behind of Republican libertarianism. He makes it seem as though Republican libertarianism is nothing more than Buchananesque defeatism and isolationism. Eric Dondero is a positive alternative to Ron Paul: unabashedly Republican, unabashedly conservative, unabashedly libertarian, and unabashedly willing to balance these three systems. Perhaps most importantly, he is unabashedly willing to vote in favor of defending our country. He is a better choice for Texas' 14th District and for America.

Eric Dondero also has his own blog. If you live in Texas, I encourage you to throw your support behind him.

1 comment:

  1. I voted for Ron Paul the last time he ran for President under the Libertarian banner.

    He is a "leave us alone" Republican and I like that.

    Where I parted ways with him and the Libertarian Party was over 9/11.

    Now I'm a proud member of the libertarian wing of the Republican Party.
