Thursday, May 24, 2007


Last week TAB's Reliapundit passed on a NYT story that firmly established the weapons-related nature of Iran's nuclear program. So naturally, this week they've announced that they're not giving that program up:
Iran continues to defy UN Security Council demands to scrap its uranium enrichment program and has instead expanded its activities, the International Atomic Energy Agency said Wednesday, in a finding that sets the stage for new council sanctions. The report from Mohamed ElBaradei, the head of the UN's nuclear watchdog agency, also faulted Tehran for "blocking IAEA efforts to probe suspicious nuclear activities, saying that meant it could not provide assurances about ... the exclusively peaceful nature of its atomic program." And, in new and worrying phrasing, it expressed concern about its deteriorating understanding of unexplored aspects of the program, despite four years of a probe sparked by revelations that Tehran had been clandestinely developing enrichment and other nuclear activities that could be used to make weapons for nearly two decades.
We'd better get the UN on this as soon as possible. You have no idea what could be happening there. They could be doing anything - even developing nukes! Not that there's any reason to believe that they are, but, you know - hypothetically.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

1 comment:

  1. We'd better get the UN on this as soon as possible. You have no idea what could be happening there.

    Why would getting the UN involved help anything? About the only thing that would occur is that it would give some fat cat in the UN a venue for a new oil-for-food-esque scam.
