Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I think so. What do you think? Remember, the perpetrator of the massacre dubbed himself Ismail Axe (Islamic spelling of the name Ishmael).

CAIRO, Egypt — An American member of Al Qaeda warned President Bush on Tuesday to end U.S. involvement in all Muslim lands or face an attack worse than the Sept. 11 suicide assault, according to a new videotape.

Wearing a white robe and a turban, Adam Yehiye Gadahn, who also goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki, said Al Qaeda would not negotiate on its demands.

"Your failure to heed our demands ... means that you and your people will ... experience things which will make you forget all about the horrors of September 11th, Afghanistan and Iraq and Virginia Tech," he said in the seven-minute video.

Reliapundit adds: Maybe - it is among a list of exclusively Muslim acts of violence. At the very least he seems to be holding it up as an example of the type of terror he desires to inflict on us - a terror more terrifying than VT. I also want to point out to the Truthers that this quote is another instance of al Qaeda taking credit for 9/11. And I want to remind all the fence-saitters that we are fighting people who admire 9/11 and these kinds of things: beheadings of journalists and aid workers; the destruction of mosques; the stoning of women and "honor-killings." Nazis were kinder and gentler than these guys.

Pastorius adds
And, also note that Gadahn confirms that the results of the Pew poll indicate that, no matter what CAIR might say, American Muslims back Al Qaeda and the cause of Jihad in a manner which ought to alarm us all (transcribed from the video):
As confirmed by a new poll of Muslims in four major regional countries, conducted by the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland, Muslims continue to support and defend the goals, efforts and sacrifices of their brothers and sisters, the Mujahadin, and continue to demonstrate broad awarenes of the evil nature of America, and the threat posed by it.
Yes, yes, it's only a tiny minority of people who want to live in the dark ages. Pay no attention to the maniacal prophet behind the curtain.

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