Monday, May 28, 2007



The penultimate line of the last verse of The Battle Hymn of the Republic - (written by Howe, pictured at left) - is:

" let us die to make men free, ...
- this is a noble cause, one history proves our armed forces have long been devoted too.

The men and women of the US armed forces have died to make men free in war after war, time after time - for centuries, securing our liberty and those of millions and MILLIONS of people all over the world.

We pay our respects to them all on this National Holiday. It is altogether fitting and proper that we do so. In fact, it is the least that we can do.

Our armed forces are once again deployed in war zones defending liberty.

Our troops are currently in Iraq pursuant to a request of the DEMOCRATICALLY elected Parliament
of the constitutional government of the Republic of Iraq, AND a UN Security Resolution requiring we provide security as the legally recognized occupying force.

We are fighting factions which don't want that nascent democracy to survive.

If we leave too soon - before the democratic Iraqi government can defend itself, then this nascent democracy will die and be replaced by one or more tyrannical states inimical to the USA and the Free World. They will be allies of Iran and al Qaeda and enemies of democracy and freedom.

That is not in our national interest; it is not in the interest of the Free World, and it makes us and our children and our children's children less safe.

Nevertheless, every single solitary Democrat candidate for the presidency and the entire leadership of the Democrats in Congress are either pushing for a withdrawal of US forces by a date certain or regardless of how well the nascent democracy of Iraq is doing or whether they are in a position to defend themselves.

The utter moral bankruptcy of these positions is proven by the fact that they push HARDEST for withdrawal if Iraq is NOT meeting benchmarks. Well, if they're not meeting benchmarks then that's EXACTLY when they need us most of all. That is not the time dependable, trustworthy allies abandon a fight. But it's EXACTLY what the Democrats want. They have no shame.

The Democrats have staked out this shameless, defeatist position because they are once again the party of the Left, a party run by McGovernites - the doves who think it's okay to end a war by retreating, surrendering.

In the case of Iraq, these Democrats and their Democrat Party are willing to surrender it to Iran and al Qaeda.

There was once a time when people who self-identified themselves as Leftists VOLUNTEERED to fight on foreign soil in defense of a nascent democracy and against fascism.

The time was 1936; the nation was Spain, and those who went had to join the International brigades because FDR kept the USA officially on the sidelines.

[ASIDE: FDR did this and also set up concentration camps for US CITIZENS of Japanese heritage, and yet the Left - TO THIS DAY - idolizes him. GO FIGURE!]

I asked some old-time Lefties, who had friends in the Lincoln Brigades, (the international brigades for US citizens), if they thought FDR was wrong to stay on the sidelines, and if their friends were right and good and noble to go to Spain to fight fascism.

They answered that they felt that FDR was wrong and their friends were right, good and noble.

SO..... then I asked them... why they NOW feel that our continued efforts in Iraq are wrong, bad and ignoble!?

Why do they feel that Bush should put the USA military on the sidelines of this fight and let the ISLAMO-FASCISTS - WHO ARE MUCH WORSE THAN FRANCO EVER WAS - take over Iraq, home of 20% of the world's oil!?!?

I'm still waiting for a good answer.

I'm afraid that the REAL answer is that FDR was a socialist, so whatever else he did which was bad - like staying on the sidelines during Spain's Civil War - is forgiven, even though they think that intervention to stop fascism was right.

Because "Bush cut taxes on the rich" he must therefore be opposed NO MATTER WHAT ELSE HE DOES.

This figures: the Left has ALWAYS excused the crimes of socialists and socialism.

And they have always put socialism ahead of liberty.

This figures too: collectivism is intrinsically opposed to personal liberty.

The ONLY way the West can lose in Iraq - and to islamo-fascists anywhere - is if the Left gets control of the USG.

Iran and Al Qaeda are counting on this. These enemies are dying and killing to make men and women subservient to them and their totalitarian islamo-fascist ideologies.

We must not let them win. To defeat the islamo-fascists we must defeat the Left and the Democrat Party they control.

The stakes are high. In Iraq and the Middle East now, and throughout the world for generations to come.

We have been up to this challenge in the past. We have met this type of challenge in the past and won. We can win again.

We must be willing to die to make others free. And to protect our freedom. As so many members of the US armed forces have - from 1776 on these very shores, too 2007 in Mesopotamia.

I pray there is never a time or a place that the USA will not go the full distance in order to secure our liberty and the liberty of people everywhere who yearn to be free.

We should especially remember this on Memorial Day.

God Bless Our Troops.


  1. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  2. God Bless Our Troops…
    …because those who sent them over there have forsaken them and their mission.

    Call our puppet Iraqi government whatever you like, but it’s no liberty-lovin’ democracy. You ask, “Why would we let the Islamo-Fascists take over Iraq?” Anybody watching the government we placed in office there should be asking the same question. The answer is, of course, because they are the ones who allow us to stay. It’s not the Iraqi people who want us there. They and their ministers want us out.

    - David Dunkle, Melbourne, FL (glad to be back)

  3. i suspect old troll david is the kind of Dem who think Bush and maliki are illegitimate and that Hugo Chavez and Haniyeh and Ahmdinejad ARE.

    there are numerous polls which show that the iraqis want us there and virtual UNANIITY that a preanture exit will lead to a bloodbath followed by WORSe governemtn.

    mike ware and john burns assert this - as does a frontpage article in today's NYTMEs.

    but perhaps troll david knows more than they?

  4. i am glad troll david doidn;t leave a SINGLE SOLITARY word of respect for the troops - the way so many other "anti-war" Dems do.

    at least his emoptional display is a little honest: he cares not a whit foe the troops - not the ones defending liberty and democracy ion iraq, not the one MILLION US troops who have died so he and other TROLL can spout their ignorant ENEMY-AIDING bullshit to their hearts content.

    God Bless Our Troops. Who protect us from al Qaeda and ahmadinejad and even allow shallow idiot knee-jerk "anti-war" lefties speak their empty minds.
