Friday, April 06, 2007


In an article about Russian Muslim groups who are protesting plans for a memorial to the victims of the terrorist crime at Beslan, al-Reuters once again reveals its sympathy for the enemy:

The local Russian Orthodox diocese says it will build a church in the grounds of Beslan's school No. 1 to commemorate the victims -- half of them children -- killed in a clash between insurgents and Russian troops. [Umph added.]

When death-dealing and death-seeking fanatics took hundreds of children hostage without food or water, holding them in a gymnasium filled with bombs, Reuters says it was a "clash between insurgents and Russian troops."

No, it wasn't. It was a criminal atrocity. And by portraying it as a "clash" Reuters is an accessory after the fact.

Reliapundit adds: This is another typical - though no less infuriating - example of the false "moral equivalence" we constantly hear from the postmodern left. They also equated the Iranian terrorist-supporting al Quds force members we are holding in Iraq, to the UK marine hostages taken by Iran from Iraqi waters! Freedom fighters = terrorists in their amoral world. IS IT ANY WONDER THEY FEEL THERE IS NOTHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR!?! There isn't in their universe. I mean "multi-verse!"

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