Thursday, April 19, 2007


In the aftermath of the VT massacre we owe the victims and their families a sober discussion of the issues at hand. It is amazing how quickly this became a GUN CONTROL issue. No matter what you think, believe, or feel about it, Gun Control will not remove all the weapons that are out there from the "equation", and, more importantly, it is doubtful criminals and psychotics will be hindered from aquiring guns, or other lethal tools. After witnessing Cho Seung-Hui's actions, statements, and previous behaviour it is clear that he was mentally ill. Psychotic murderers, like Cho Seung-Hui are motivated by their twisted logic and lack of SELF-CONTROL. If handguns were not available to him, Cho Seung-Hui would probably have found other weapons and methods to satisfy the evil within himself. It is sad that he was unable to find anyone among the 26000 people on the VT campus with whom he could interact, be friends with etc. But this is not a failure of the state to control the tools Cho Seung-Hui used. It is a failure of his family, friends and community to prevent this "mental case" from going beserk. So let's not waste time trying to amend the great Constitution of the United States. Lets try to have a society where odd people can fit in, and where sick people get help.


  1. You are right about the killer's lack of self-control. But it is also important to recognize that, based on his "manifesto," he was motivated by an intense version of the anti-American leftist vision that is taught in most of our nation's colleges and universities by the disciples of Howard Zinn. The killer's ideology was a psychotic version of what the America-hating left spews every day. He was like a missile launched by the Gramscian culture warriors, like Zinn, and the late Hans Koning, whose distorted and almost psychotic view of history was magnified in the killer's psychotic mind.

  2. I have only seen a :43 second clip of his rant so I have no idea what sort of ideology could have played a part in corrupting his mind. But he was obviously sick. Individual therapy, perhaps electro shock, may have worked. In the case of the mass hysteria which manisfests itself by islamofacist jihad thermnuclear shock may be necessary.
