Wednesday, April 04, 2007


The six imams were NOT civil rights activists; they were an advance team of jihaoterrorist supporters trying to set up conditions which would make it harder for innocent airline passengers to complain when they suspected other passengers of planning to takeover the airliner. The 6 imams did it to make future attacks on passenger airlines more likely to succeed.

I think the UK marine hostage situation might be a similar set up: Perhaps Iran is trying to make it more likely that UK and USA naval vessels will not fire upon approaching Iranian vessels. WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO DO THIS?

PERHAPS... in order to pull off a "nuclear USS Cole" attack.

Here's the scenario: The USA and UK have most of their fleets in the Persian Gulf - for continued "exercises, as a show of force, or perhaps to enforce an embargo. One day, three Iranian vessels approach three different UK and USA ships in the flotilla. And NOW, they're able to get pretty darn close; (the respective navies don't want to start an "incident"). When the three Iranian vessels are close enough, they detonate nuclear bombs - (home-grown or perhaps bombs purchased from North Korea). This nuclear attack on our fleets destroys most of our forward projecting force - our aircraft carriers, destroyers, jets, etc. It would be a Iranian- jihadoterrorist coup de grace.

Likely!? I don't know. But if our navy's ROE are as weak as the recent UK marine hostage situation reveals the UK's are, then the Iranian's MIGHT now think it very possible. BOTTOM-LINE: the appearance of weakness on our side makes it more likely we will be attacked. The UK marine hostage crisis made us look weak.


  1. To quote another paranoid warmonger, "...we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud."

  2. david cyrus dunkle of melbourne florida: u r an ass.

    my SCENARIO is not paranoia: the USS Cole attack was a REAL ATTACK. an act of war.

    i am merely suggesting that the next "cole-style" attack might be nuclear, and it might come NOT in the horn of africa, but a few hundred miles away, where we have CONCENTRATED our naval force. this concentration LOGICALLY makes them a rich target for iran and al qaeda.

    iran's recent hostage-taking may have been a probe intended to "desensitize" our ROE and that of our allies.

    making sure we do NOT fall victim to this potential threat requires MERELY that we NOT change our ROE for approaching iranian vessels.

    this is merely being extra careful while tensions are high and potential for escalation high, too. this makes it SENSIBLE, not paranoid.

    you and your ilk are in DENIAL over the threat.

    as if iran and al qaeda were merely responding to Bush policies, as if they did not have a pro-active strategy and goals if their own.

    you are the psychotic one david dunkle.

    the 6 imams were not innocently acting out; they were part a deliberate effort to intimidate citizens from alerting airlines officials to suspicious behavior - IN ORDER TO MAKE THE NEXT ATTACK'S SUCCESS MORE LIKELY.

    word search "john doe" at power line for more.

  3. Sure, an Iranian suicide nuke ship sneaking up into the heart of our fleet would be trouble...

    ...but what we really need to worry about is the Kraken! The whole fleet is at risk!

    word search "Kraken" on Google!

    signed, David Dunkle of Melbourne, FL.
