Tuesday, April 24, 2007


The Astute Bloggers have been on top of what is going on with the French Elections. Reliapundit alone has done 5 recent posts just within the past couple of days. He has pointed out how Muslims are overwhelmingly for the Socialist candidate Sego.

I did some research myself and am pretty encouraged by the possibility of the Conservative Candidate Sarkozy having a good chance at winning. It gives me hope for the future of France.

Jacques Chirac is now on his way out and France is set to elect a new leader. This past weekend France narrowed it down to 2 candidates:
"Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and Socialist Segolene Royal appeared headed Sunday to a presidential runoff, according to preliminary results and pollsters' projections, setting up a stark choice between one of France's most intensely ambitious politicians and a liberal who would be the country's first female leader."

The election to decide between the two candidates is set for May 6th. Pajamas Media Paris Editor, Nidra Poller had very favorable things to say about the Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy:
"Contrary to what many foreign journalists have written, Sarkozy is perhaps the only candidate who is running on a platform instead of a personality cult. His commitment to results is sincere and if he fails to produce, which is quite possible, he will still deserve credit for his courage and straight talk. He is the candidate who has most clearly defined France’s problems and most convincingly pointed to the right path out of the sand trap where this country has been stuck for three-decades. Of all the twelve candidates, many of whom are irresponsible charlatans, Sarkozy is the only one who has been smeared, spattered, and verbally slashed.

That’s why I think Sarkozy will win. Targeted by an underhanded mass media demolition campaign and a forthright banlieue blackmail blitz, he still comes out the winner in every single poll. This must be a mark of citizen determination."

You know a Conservative has won over the masses when he can stay ahead in the polls despite being trashed by the media. Granted a Conservative in France is probably not the same as a Conservative in the U.S., but I also found some favorable things about Sarkozy in my own research:
"He is generally recognized by the right and left as a highly skilled politician and striking orator. Supporters of Sarkozy within France emphasise his charisma, political innovation and willingness to "make a dramatic break" amidst mounting disaffection against "politics as usual"; Some see him as wanting to depart from traditional French social and economic principles in favour of American-style economic reform. Overall, he is generally considered to be somewhat more pro-US than most French politicians."

"Towards the end of his first term as Minister of the Interior, in 2004, Sarkozy was the most popular conservative politician in France, according to polls conducted at the beginning of 2004. His “tough on crime” policies, which included increasing the police presence on the streets and introducing monthly crime performance ratings, were popular with many."

The woman that Sarkozy is running against sounds like your average French socialist. My prayers and best wishes for the best future for France and for French/American relations would be for a Sarkozy win on May 6th.

Hat tip: Michelle Malkin

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Nicolas Sarkozy is expected to win the 2007 French presidential election and rightly so.

    But let's not fool ourselves. Mr Sarkozy is NOT, I repeat, NOT your ordinary, boring, ranting neo-con in the likes of President Dubya.

    Sarkozy has a well-balanced education coupled with a great culture.

    Vive la France (et Sarkozy par la même occasion)!
