Sunday, April 08, 2007


And now, a clearer sign that one way or another, Le Pen is courting the Islamic vote:
ARGENTEUIL, France -- The leader of the French far-right paid a surprise visit Friday to a rough suburb home to the veiled and robed immigrants he has blamed for the country's problems, calling the bemused residents legitimate children of France.

The unannounced flash campaign stop by Jean-Marie Le Pen was cloaked in secrecy, probably to head off any possible protests or violence against a man reviled by many minorities, in a town where even front-runner Nicolas Sarkozy fears to tread.

When his bus rolled to a halt, Le Pen made his way into a predominantly Muslim neighborhood, mobbed by photographers and veiled women in long robes, some snapping pictures too. [...]

"You are French citizens, the legitimate children of France who are part of our republic," Le Pen told the perplexed crowd at an Argenteuil shopping center.
There may have been some there who gave him a cold reception, but otherwise, it seems that Le Pen is able to enter these neighborhoods where Sarkozy may not be able to without some kind of really vicious reaction, and to receive a good welcome from the Muslim residents.


  1. The neo-fascists will ALWAYS side with those who hate the Jews.


    And, that is why I think so many Brits are fools to support the BNP.

  2. You're correct: the case of the BNP is something that's been all but overlooked, and it's possible that in the next British elections, the BNP will reap considerable gains. Who knows, maybe even Muslims will actually vote for them.
