Friday, April 27, 2007


On any other day, we wouldn't dare to pester you with this totally meaningless story - the result of what happens when you let inconsequential moonbats off the reservation. But it's Friday, so the humor value trumps the total lack of anything compelling or newsworthy:

After a series of delays, late in the day on Wednesday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a candidate for president in 2008, announced a series of charges against Vice President Dick Cheney in Washington, DC. Kucinich alleged that the Vice President had committed a series of impeachable offenses and stated that he was therefore introducing Articles of Impeachment against Cheney in the Congress today.

Kucinich started off by reading the opening words of the Declaration of Independence, commenting that they were "instructive at this moment." "Whenever any government official becomes destructive of the founding purposes, that official must be held accountable," he said.

It's nice that he found himself a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Now if we could only get Democrats to actually read the Constitution, we'd be halfway toward creating a utopia of harmonious bipartisanship. What an idiot.

Oh hey, before we forget - let's get some more Democrats into office. Maybe we can all work together to make Kucinich into a nationally prominent and powerful figure. That'll be days and days of blogging material. Then our eyes and ears will start bleeding, and we'll be sad.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

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