Thursday, April 26, 2007


Without mentioning names, Senator Joe Lieberman delivered a rebuttal in the pages of the Washington Post this morning to his Democrat colleagues in the Senate. It's time for the Senator from Connecticut to do what must be done...caucus with the Republicans.

Many will compare this to the Jim Jeffords defection, but they couldn't be more different. Jeffords was never a Republican in his heart and his turn was an effort to get more power in the Senate and bring home the bacon to his state. It also led to much fawning by the MSM, which far too many Republicans covet. That's not to say Lieberman is a saint, but his reasoning, should he defect, would be of much importance than G-ddamned dairy subsidies. No one is expecting Joe to suddenly vote like Jesse Helms on all issues, he's still a liberal and we all know it. But on this one important issue, the most important issue, he's on the money. It's time to do the right thing and stop this madness in it's track.


  1. Joe also gets economics.

    He knows that without profit you can't support welfare programs. He knows where the money comes from.

    Which would make him a liberal Republican. In fact far closer to Republican than Democrat.

    And he whipped Lamont.

  2. joe was elected by folks who did NOT want us to set a timetable.

    he shouldn;lt caucus with folks who do.

    especially since reid et al campaigned in '06 saying they wouldn't set a timetable.

    which makes scum like reid LIARS as well as TRAITORS.

  3. A good-old 'War Democrat'.

    During the civil war he would have had company.
