Sunday, April 08, 2007


The Left has made CO2 the central focus in their effort to attack three of the Left's long-time "foes":
free market capitalism, industrialization and consumerism.
Proof of this is the fact that the Left's remedy for "global warming caused by man-made co2 (and other greenhouse gases)" is higher taxes, more regulation of industry and trade and less consumption - THREE THINGS THEY HAVE LONG ADVOCATED.


CO2 is merely the Left's latest bogeyman! A ruse to frighten people into supporting their long-held beliefs and adopting their long-discredited and failed polices.

Fareed Zakaria of NEWSWEEK advocates a GLOBAL CARBON TAX!

Gee, I wonder who will administer it? Could it be the UN!? Which we all know did such a "fine" job managing the UN Food-for-Oil Program!?

BTW: The three things which have actually MOST improved the life-spans and living standards of human beings are in fact: free market capitalism, industrialization and consumerism.

To make the poor people of the Third World have longer life-spans and better living standards they need MORE free market capitalism and GREATER industrialization, and then they can become BETTER consumers. They NEED electricity and stoves and refrigerators, and highways, and YES: FACTORIES - EVEN SWEATSHOPS (at the beginning).

Leftists are more interested in inflicting their failed ideology than in actually improving the lives of REAL people. If the Left really wanted to improve the lives of people in the Third World, then they would support efforts to INCREASE free market capitalism, INCREASED industrialization and MORE consumerism in the Third World.

Free market capitalism, industrialization and consumerism are what improved the lives of the DEVELOPED WORLD - the West. Anyone who believes that all humans are created equal - AS I DO - must accept that these SAME things will work for non-whites in the Third World.

If you do not, then you are a racist.

Perhaps the Left is racist? Perhaps this is why they feel that Iraqis cannot become democratic, and why Africa cannot become developed?

They are wrong. As usual. On both counts.


  1. A little something to go along with this posting of yours, Reliapundit: "Prius Outdoes Hummer in Environmental Damage".

  2. You are incorrectly assuming that promoting carbon taxes is a left-wing strategy. Take a look at the Mankiw Blog at for a list of conservative economists and business interests supporting a carbon tax. Or, take a look at the Carbon Tax Center Supporter page at

  3. Yeah, the carbox tax site lists plenty of conservative supporters - like Paul Krugman, Al Gore, Nicholas Kristof, and Robert Reich . . . the fact that they have browbeat a few businessmen to support them means less than nothing . . . moreover, the carbon tax is going to be a tax on the consumer, passed along in a completely regressive way to those who can ill afford it . . . so that Al Gore can continue to burn the midnight oil and fly his private jet all over the world, hawking his carbon-credit businesses and making himself fat and rich from the gullibility of liberals . . . ever notice that Al Gore looks exactly like Rodney Dangerfield these days?
