Sunday, April 08, 2007


Caroline Glick tells that Germany is still proving itself a warmonger, and is doing things even worse than what Nancy Pelosi did:
On the face of it, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who also paid a visit to Syria this week, seems to take a stronger stand on the issues than Pelosi. While visiting Ramallah she called for Hamas to accept Israel. While in Lebanon she called for Syria to stop arming Hizbullah. While in Israel, as is her wont, she said that 70 years after her nation murdered a third of the Jewish people, she strongly opposes letting Iran acquire the means to kill another six million Jews.

Strong words. Unfortunately, Germany's actions tell a different story. As German political scientist Matthias Kuntzel pointed out in a recent paper, through its support for German trade with Iran, Merkel's government is a central driver of the Iranian economy and so enables Iran to finance both the global jihad and its nuclear weapons program.
I think then that Germany is asking to be sanctioned just like Iran as well! Unless they're willing to sever their trade agreement with Iran, they're well worth condemning.

1 comment:

  1. the free world could bring down the mullah tyranny by instituting a total embargo/trade sanction effort.

    the jihadotyrants wouldn't last a year.

    it's a pity the free world doesn't have the leadership (or the leadership w/balls). bush included.

    "W" stands for wimp.
