Saturday, April 28, 2007

GEORGE TENET: LYING SCUMBAG - er, um... I mean revisionist poseur

NOW, Tenet is trying to make it seem like Cheney and Bush twisted his views on Saddam's WMD. Too bad for this incompetent lying scumbag that he left a record of his SLAM DUNK all over the blogosphere:

... Dana Priest's February 12, 2003 story in the Washington Post. My point in quoting it is not to show the obvious 'that was then, this is now' attitude of Tenet, but to focus on his seemingly prescient warning about Zarqawi. His was a sober assessment, that however orphaned it may be now, seems in the light of history to have stood up pretty well. I highlight the relevant pieces of the February 2003 pre-war article by Priest.
CIA Director George J. Tenet, questioned about the value of ongoing inspections by the United Nations, said there is "little chance you'll find weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq unless Hussein cooperates with inspectors. On the other hand, Tenet said he would expect U.S. troops "will find caches of weapons of mass destruction, absolutely," were they to invade the country.
There's more; RTWT. This PROVES that Cheney DID NOT "misconstrue" Tenet. Rather, it is Tenet who is NOW LYING.

Bottom-line: the Left is trying to "revise" history to make it seem like Bush lied abotu WMD; (Durbin tried it earlier in the week, too.) But the fact is: THEY ARE LYING.

Don't fall for it.

[ASIDE: Tenet now "teaches" at Georgetown - a BIG beneficiary of ARAB $$$ - Bin Talal gave millions for this. REMEMBER::: GIULIANI TOLD THIS VERY SAME CREEP TO SHOVE IT WHEN HE WANTED TO GIVE NYC MONEY - WITH STRINGS ATTACHED - AFTER 9/11!]

1 comment:

  1. Yah, I have been pretty disappointed to see some of the stuff coming out of Tenet's mouth.
