Friday, April 13, 2007


Now another twenty or thirty self-styled sophisticates, determined not only to be smarter but also morally superior to all those warmongering pro-Israel rednecks, have their excuse:
The Arab League Peace Plan of 2002 is what was called here the "Saudi Plan." It has just been renewed. In 2002, the US and Israel simply dismissed it, and I don't recall media commentary. It is pretty much a version of the international consensus that was articulated clearly for the first time in January 1976 at the Security Council, in a resolution brought by the major Arab states, vetoed by the US (again in 1980). With the Security Council eliminated by the veto, the same principles came up almost annually in the General Assembly, under pressure from the third world and the non-aligned movement, but with Europe also going along.
Very well done. We're impressed - this is a neat trick:
  1. The UN convinces Israel to stand down in 1973, accepting particular terms grounded in particular resolutions that have nothing to do with the Right of Return
  2. Then, after a few years have passed, the UN turns on Israel and fails to legally pass new binding resolutions that would demand more than Israel would ever have accepted. Textbook case of trying to move the goalposts.
  3. This suddenly becomes the apex of moral and diplomatic authority.
Typical. [Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

1 comment:

  1. Chomsky needs to use his own right of return to the field of syntactical linguistics and just shut up about politics. Non-leftist Linguists everywhere would be thrilled, not to mention legions of others.
