Wednesday, April 04, 2007


As he received an honorary doctorate from Concordia University in Montreal, Al Gore actually found himself getting booed and heckled by the students:

His presentation was halted at least twice as opponents to his agenda began to shout out.They called him a liar and a villain, and screamed, "What about your swimming pools?" in regards to recent allegations that the monthly electricity bill of Gore's estate rivalled a year's bill for the average American home.

This led Gore to joke, "I don't even know if you guys are left- or right-wing".

[David] Suzuki also made a 45-minute speech on the topic du jour. The speech was punctuated by numerous bouts of applause from a rather enthusiastic audience. He espoused that the media should play a more central role in the way it informs the public, saying, "Over half of all Nobel Prize winners are telling us we could have as little as 10 years to avoid a catastrophe and this is pronounced by our media as 'not newsworthy'.

Lies, lies, lies. What kind of idiot thinks the media is ignoring global warming hysteria and not treating it like The Gospel? one is that stupid. Thus, it is a lie. However, for the first time, I'm starting to think that Gore and his idiot friends might be about ready to jump the shark. The more outlandish they get, the more likely the public is finally gonna say "wait a minute?"

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