Friday, March 09, 2007


When liberal cocktail party sophisticates read results like these, they wave them around as if it's supposed to prove something about Israel:
Israel, Iran and the United States are the countries with the most negative image in a globe-spanning survey of attitudes toward 12 major nations. Canada and Japan came out best in the poll, released on Monday... Israel was viewed negatively by 56 percent of respondents and positively by 17 percent; for Iran, the figures were 54 percent and 18 percent. The United States had the third-highest negative ranking, with 51 percent citing it as a bad influence and 30 percent as a good one. Next was North Korea, which was viewed negatively by 48 percent and positively by 19 percent.
Brits hate Israel more than they hate any other major country in the world.

More than Iran, which has been placed under UN sanctions for threatening to commit a modern day Holocaust - and where the population elected an anti-Semitic lunatic. More than Venezuela, where dreams of a modern day Communist revolution are incubated - and where the population elected an anti-Semitic lunatic (or where elections are rigged in ways that would have made Stalin blush... also not a reason for high popularity). More than North Korea, where... well, you know. It's North Korea. Think about that.

This is why you'll have to excuse us for remaining unimpressed in the face of massive British anti-Semitic anti-Zionist rallies. Their hatred for Israel is excessive to the point of the irrational pathology. They don't hate Israel because they oppose Israel's policies - they oppose Israel's policies because they harbor a deep, deep hatred of Israel beyond any reason or warrant.

[Cross-posted to Mere Rhetoric]

1 comment:

  1. Yet another reason to celebrate the 4th of July.
