Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What Would Lenny Say?

I have the answer to the Ann Coulter problem. Just ask yourself what would Lenny Bruce say?

What would Lenny Say?

Cross Posted at Power and Control

1 comment:

  1. lenny was so UN PC!
    i picked an audi at random and of course there was a joke about FRUITS meaning faggots.

    had ann used the term fruit or priss then her comment wold not have had the same political resonation, because the real core of the joke -- besides the shock value -- was the grey's anatomy tie-in.

    the bottom line on this chapter is that the right is held to a different standard than the left.

    trent lott versus dickhead durbin proves this, too.

    the right forced trent out of leadership, and has attacked coulter.

    the left NEVER does the same thing to those on their side who test the boundaries.
