Friday, March 23, 2007


I'm sure everyone was dismayed as was I to learn yesterday that Elizabeth Edwards cancer has spread and is no longer curable. Breast cancer is so curable now that women often get treated and go on to live long, normal lives. So I was saddened to learn that Edwards' cancer had spread. I pray that she is able to live a fulfilling life with the years that she has left and that she might outlive what is expected for her. I don't agree with her husband's politics and still don't think the man has a prayer of getting the Dem nomination but I wish her well in her personal life.

Tony Snow's Doctors are taking a precaution and removing a growth in his abdomen because of his previous colon cancer. He urged people not to overreact about the news and is being his usual optimistic self. The growth is probably not a recurrence of the cancer but the Doctors don't want to take any chances. Deputy press secretary Dana Perino will fill in for him while he is recovering.

I applaud both Tony Snow and Elizabeth Edward's optimism and wish both of them Godspeed!!


  1. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Tony snow is using his so-called "cancer" and his so-called "abdominal surgery" for political gain. It is shameful the way he is trying to micromanage the War on Cancer. He should be ashamed of himself.

  2. No, you are using your personal opinions for political motives. You are no better than the wingnuts and wackos on both sides. My prayers to both Elizabeth and Tony.
