Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Mark Davis has an interesting column this morning on the recent talk of Fred Thompson running for President. He brings up a wrinkle in the story that I was unaware of; that Thompson may be in line to replace Paul Harvey when he passes on. I don't know that you can really replace Paul Harvey...he does what he does and anyone else doing it would seem to me like someone trying to be Johnny Carson (David Letterman, I'm looking at you).

Anyway, Davis is usually pretty swift, so it surprises me that he hasn't looked at my theory, that Thompson is setting himself up to be a ready-made Vice Presidential pick. It makes so much sense, and under Dick Cheney the job has certainly become a lot more than just casting a tie-breaking vote. I agree with Davis that the GOP race will probably come down to Giuliani and Romney, but whoever wins out I think may give a long hard look at Thompson for a running mate. Mark my words.

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