Thursday, March 01, 2007


The acting President of the State of Israel is a Druze MK from Beit Jann, Majallie Whbee. He is a Kadima list member. The Jerusalem Post reports:

Unlike most other Arab citizens, Druse serve in the Israeli military. Whbee, 53, attained the rank of lieutenant colonel before retiring. He holds a master's degree in Middle East history from Haifa University, according to the Knesset's Web site.

Whbee hoped his temporary ascension to the presidency would symbolize a push for equality for Arab citizens. "Where there is still a lack of equality, we are fighting," he said, "but the fact is that I have all the authorities of the president of the state of Israel."

Whbee, a member of Itzik's and Prime Minster Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party, said he would carry out the normal functions of the presidency, meeting with diplomats and laying a wreath at a ceremony Thursday in honor of a pre-state Zionist fighter, Yosef Trumpeldor.

This is not "apartheid." Israel is a democratic multi-cultural State, like India and the United States, and like Lebanon could be. Quite unlike Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Iran . . .

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