Sunday, March 25, 2007


David Bedein (via My Right Word) discovers that Shimon Peres, the already too old "statesman" has faked his record with the Israeli military:
It was discovered that the internationally-known elder statesman of Israel's Knesset Parliament, Shimon Peres, 83, the member of the Israeli Knesset who has served longer than any other member of the Knesset - since 1959 - has falsified his "c.v." on the official Knesset Web site.

Now mounting a "last hurrah" campaign for the seemingly honorary position of president of the state of Israel, Shimon Peres, the current Israeli deputy prime minister and the former minister of communications, minister of defense, foreign minister and prime minister has taken an unusual step to establish a new place for himself in the history of the state of Israel, by using the official Web site of the Israeli Knesset to describe his military record as such:

"Military Service Haganah; IDF; Temporary Head of Naval Services, 1950"
Except that Peres never served in the Haganah, the pre-state army which was one of the armies that fought for the independence of the state of Israel, and Peres never served in the IDF, the Israel Defense Forces, and Peres was far from being the "temporary head of Naval Services" in 1950.
This is one more reason why Peres doesn't deserve to be in position of president, no matter how "honorary" a position it is, and it's time for him to retire by now.

Update: IsraelInsider discovers that Peres' claim that he achieved major degrees at Harvard is also exaggerated at best.

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