Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I believe the recent riots right smack dab in the middle of Paris were instigated by islamo-thugs to make Sarkozy look ineffective, and to hurts him in the polls in order to elect a president who might be more likely to APPEASE the islamo-thugs - like Zapatero the Spanish Socialist who won the premiership right after the Atocha bombings. Here are excerpts from a few more reports which prove the HIGHLY POLITICAL nature of the riot - and how the Royal - the Socialist candidate - is also trying to exploit the ritos for personal and partisan gain:

France's top presidential candidates seized on a new campaign issue Wednesday after the police fought gangs of youths for seven hours at a railroad station here. Shops were destroyed, the pall of tear gas filled the air of the Gare du Nord and 13 people were arrested. ... Sarkozy, the candidate of the center-right who resigned Monday as interior minister to focus on his campaign, called the violence unacceptable and congratulated the police for "doing their job."

"I want to tell the French people that I will not be on the side of fraudsters, cheats, dishonest people," Sarkozy said. "When individuals come to the rescue of someone who is committing fraud, that is particularly unacceptable, and I hope that the justice system will firmly sanction people who behave like that."

The Socialist candidate, Ségolène Royal, who is running second in the opinion polls, said the incident showed that Sarkozy had failed as interior minister. "In five years with a right-wing government that has made crime its main campaign issue, you can see that it's a failure all the way," she said on CanalPlus television.

François Bayrou, a centrist, also took aim at Sarkozy. "It is very important to end this climate of perpetual confrontation between police and some citizens," he said.

There has been sporadic violence in housing projects in some suburbs since the 2005 riots, but the events Tuesday were the worst unrest in the city itself since mass demonstrations over a proposed labor law degenerated into street fighting last spring.

In nearly four years as France's "No. 1 cop," Sarkozy built a reputation as a hard-line crime buster. His tough response to the riots was criticized by his opponents, who said he was stoking the unrest. But he was praised by others for preventing bloodshed and when the violence ended his approval ratings surged.

The incident Tuesday moved to the top of the agenda in a fast-moving presidential campaign in which shifting opinion and a high number of undecided voters has kept suspense high.
Riots at a train station in the French capital, Paris, have become an issue in the upcoming presidential election. The government's candidate, Nicolas Sarkozy, said police were justified in arresting an alleged fare dodger - the action that sparked the riots.

Socialist candidate Segolene Royal said the clashes resulted from Mr Sarkozy's failures as interior minister.

... The youths who gathered in the Gare du Nord on Tuesday shouted insults about Mr Sarkozy.
[Umph added.]
Rivals accused rightist presidential candidate Nicolas Sarkozy of worsening tension between youths and police on Wednesday after clashes at a Paris train station overnight. ... Socialist officials said Tuesday's clashes were the legacy of the "provocative habits and language" of Sarkozy while its presidential candidate Segolene Royal said the violence highlighted Sarkozy's policy failures. ...

Centrist presidential hopeful Francois Bayrou, who trails Royal and Sarkozy in opinion polls, avoided criticising Sarkozy by name, but said: "It's very important to end this climate of perpetual confrontation between police and some citizens."

... critics say he [SARKOZY] remains a hate-figure for many in the neighbourhoods hit by the 2005 riots, the worst in 40 years.
(YEAH SURE: IT'S OUR FAULT THEY HATE US!) The islamo-thug rioters will watch the polls: If they see that the rioting HELPS the Socialist candidate - and HURTS SARKOZY, then they will riot some more. That's why the best name for these riots is THE SARKOZY INTIFADA. (Previous posts HERE and HERE; good commentary/criticism of "The Sarkozy Intifada" HERE - from The American Thinker.)

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