Monday, March 26, 2007


If you want to hear passionate diatribes or see me ticked off just ask me my thoughts on RINO Republicans. The top 3 winners who most readily come to my mind are John McCain, Chuck Hagel and Arlen Specter. I am a loyal Republican but I have no use for the likes of them and don't consider them for the most part to even be Republicans.

Therefore, it irritates me up when people bring up how even Republicans are against the war, look at Chuck Hagel. Mark Levin got a chuckle out of me when a Liberal brought this pathetic argument up and mentioned that Chuck Hagel is against the war and he is a Republican to which Levin said, "He is?"

So whats the latest on the top 2 RINO's? Hagel sticks another knife in the back by suggesting that impeaching Bush might be an option. What do you even do with this? Hagel is on some serious drugs if he thinks that he'll get 2 votes when running for the Republican nomination for President.

The news on McCain is so good its hard for me not to be gleeful. He admits that he's not going to meet his fund raising goals for this quarter. Memo to Senator McCain: Republicans don't take kindly to nominating someone who shows disdain for his own party.

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