Sunday, March 25, 2007


Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Sunday that Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas blatantly violated a promise to free captive Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit before forming a new national unity government.

Olmert spoke before the weekly Cabinet meeting and ahead of high-profile talks With U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and UN chief Ban Ki-moon, both visiting the region.

"We can't ignore the fact that the chairman of the Palestinian Authority blatantly violated a series of commitments to Israel, especially the commitment that no national unity government would be formed before Gilad Shalit's release," Olmert said.

Olmert said Abbas had made the commitment again and again in meetings between the two leaders, during three-way summits that included Rice, and foreign heads of state.
Murderers - and those who condone murder - will of course LIE! Abu Mazen and his henchmen in FATAH murder Jews and Arabs (their competitors - Hamas); (check out the link - it quotes the FATAH charter - it'll shock you!). They cannot be trusted; therefore. it's time everyone accepted the fact that Israel HAS NO PARTNER WITH WHOM TO MAKE PEACE.

Unless and until the so called "Palestinians" change, there will be no peace.

Abu Mazen is just a slicker, better-coiffed/better dressed version of al Sadr. The West should no more handover more territory to Abu Mazen, then to Hamas (or give Baghdad to the Mahdi Army or give Anbar to al Qaeda, or Basra to Iran).

Just as the UK refused to talk to the IRA until the disarmed, Israel and the West should refuse to deal with - or to even talk to the Pali's, and not give them one red cent - until they disarm their militias.

HECK: IT WAS A PREREQUISITE OF BOTH OSLO AND THE ROADMAP! And neither Arafat or Abu Mazen has EVER lived up to this part of the agreement.

As long as we let them get away with murder... they will murder. It's pretty damn simple. Appeasement of the bad guys always only encourages the bad guys to do more bad things.

Only terrorist-loving anti-Semites like Dhimmi Carter have any business talking to the likes of Abbas. These terrorists need ULTIMATUMS, not concessions.

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