Sunday, March 04, 2007


At a basic level, Marxism asserts that human history is always about the

Marx addressed a wide range of issues; he is most famous for his analysis of history, summed up in the opening line of the introduction to the Communist Manifesto (1848):

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Marx believed that capitalism would be replaced by communism.
Like most of what Marx asserted, this is TOTALLY WRONG, and WW4 only further proves it: the jihdomaniacs we are fighting are NOT motivated by the Benjamins, but by religious fanaticism - a religion that is not remotely like opium, but more like crystal meth!

And our counter-attack is not about the Benjamins either: we are defending liberty, democracy and universal human rights. And we are fighting to spread democracy and universal human rights to parts of the world where it has never existed before, believing that Afghan women and Iraqi children deserve liberty and freedom and democracy as much as we do.

Those who continue to claim that WW4 IS about the Benjamins - the "Blood for Oil" BusHitler-McChimpy-Halliburton" crowd are idiots. Our defense of Europe and Japan and South Korea have cost the US taxpayer TRILLIONS, and the USA has never collected a PENNY from these beneficiary nations, nor conscripted their young.

Never before has a nation given so much - so UN-self-ISH-ly - for the spread of human liberty.

Why does America do this? Because it is in the "American DNA" - our founding documents implore it, and the real histories of the immigrants who have come here DEMAND it.

If we abandon the Iraqis before utterly defeating the jihadomaniacs there, then we will not only be abandoning them to tyranny - (as we ashamedly did the South Vietnamese), but we will be turning our back on our founding principles and the family histories of our citizens.

If this happens it will happen ONLY as result of the Left - and the MSM and the Democrat Party they control.

Which is why I have been saying this for years: In order to defeat the jihadist enemy abroad, we must first defeat the Leftist enemy at home.

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