Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Leftism Is As Leftism Does

I put up a piece a couple of days ago called Leftism Is where I said:
Leftism is the elevation of fear and anger over courage.
I note that today I have recieved the most marvelous anonymous comment.
... and rightism is... fascism? trampling on everything is sight just because you can? adrenaline-fueled ego trip? jingoistic popinjay sycophantism? childhood abuse/PTSD-induced rage? oh yes I forgot spare the rod and spoil the conservative
Well I had a snappy comeback.
I see your fear and anger have overwhelmed you.
In other words.

Suspicions confirmed.

Cross Posted at Power and Control and at Classical Values


  1. GREAT!

    reminds me the islamonazis who carry signs which proclaim: "behead those who say islam is violent"

  2. The informed dissent of the Left is closer to courage than the ignorant arrogance of the Right will ever be.

  3. So true David.

    Dissent informed by fear and anger is closer to courage.


    You're kidding me right?

  4. I'm not kidding you; rather, I'm teaching you.

    American History 101: "...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce [the citizenry] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

    It's hard to beat Thomas Jefferson for words and actions of courage- hey, he just described last November!
