Saturday, March 17, 2007


There is still more to be told about Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the 9-11 mastermind. In a report in Haaretz (via Israel Insider), he's confessed to plotting an attack on Eilat as well:
The reputed mastermind of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States has also said that al-Qaida planned to crash planes into the southern resort city of Eilat using aircraft departing from Saudi Arabia. [...]

Mohemmed also said the organization planned to dispatch militants to conduct surveillance on several strategic targets in Israel. [...]

The targets also include many Israeli interests throughout the world, and included the 2002 bombing of an Israeli-owned hotel in Kenya that killed 18 as well as the near-simultaneous attempt to shoot down an Arkia charger flight.
As I said before, KSM should recieve the death sentence for his evil deeds and plots.

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