Saturday, March 24, 2007


The Sunday London Times - FIFTEEN British sailors and marines arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards off the coast of Iraq may be charged with spying.

A website run by associates of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, reported last night that the Britons would be put before a court and indicted.

Referring to them as “insurgents”, the site concluded: “If it is proven that they deliberately entered Iranian territory, they will be charged with espionage. If that is proven, they can expect a very serious penalty since according to Iranian law, espionage is one of the most serious offences.”

The warning followed claims by Iranian officials that the British navy personnel had been taken to Tehran, the capital, to explain their “aggressive action” in entering Iranian waters. British officials insist the servicemen were in Iraqi waters when they were held.
You know, I wrote the title of this post thinking I was being clever and stating the obvious, then it dawned on me that I couldn't be more wrong. Maybe when Reagan and Thatcher were in power we might have thought of retaliating, but nowadays, we'll do whatever we can to make it look like it's our fault. How sad.

UPDATE: Told ya! (Hat tip: Hot Air)

Lord Triesman said he had been assured the group was not being held hostage for political reasons as the UK joined other United Nations Security Council members in imposing tougher sanctions on Iran over its refusal to suspend its nuclear programme. “Our own view is that these things are not linked,” Lord Triesman said. He believed it was a “technical” dispute over whether - as Iran claims - the personnel had strayed into Iranian waters or - as the UK insists - were on the Iraqi side of the border.


  1. and they don't even have a nuke yet!

    if maggie was PM she'd attack. and win.

    first came postmodernization then pussification and dhimmitude.


  2. 30 minutes later and lgf "copies" your post.

    great minds think alike.

  3. Great job, Popinjay.
