Monday, March 05, 2007


Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter opened up the show again last night and it was awesome. I loved every minute of it. Make sure you watch the clip if you missed it.

There have been a lot of critics of the show but its all about rating and viewers and the 1st show did very well. I look forward to seeing the numbers from the 2nd show in the hopes that it will get picked up. Here is some of what Rush had to say about how it will work as he talked to a caller last friday:
"Here's what happens. They produced two pilots. The second one airs at ten p.m. this Sunday. The shows have to generate a certain rating in order for further episodes to be ordered. The rating, of course, will determine spot rates. The program has a cost. The cost has to be met, with a little profit thrown in. So it all depends on how well they rate as to whether more episodes will be ordered. I'm privy to a little bit of this that I can't repeat right now. The process of getting it on the air has been something that's been going on a long, long time and there are other factors involved. I have no clue whether it's going to get picked up, by the way. I don't know that. All I know is that it got great prepublicity before the first episode aired two weeks ago. It got tremendous audience response the first night. We'll see what happens on Sunday night and probably go from there. But if it works then what will happen is there will be an order for 13 more episodes."

The trip to Jefferson City went great and I look forward to sharing the details in the next day or two.

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