Saturday, March 17, 2007


France ranks 22nd among European Union states for the percentage of women in its parliament -- at just over 12 percent. In a worldwide comparison, France is listed as 87th -- below Pakistan, Afghanistan and the United Arab Emirates, where the percentage of women in parliament is nearly double that of France, according to statistics from the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
SACRE BLEU! This is good news for two reasons: first, apparently it is hurting the presidential hopes of socialist Segolene Royal; and second, it proves once again that the image most American Lefties have of France (and Europe in general) - that it's much better and more progressive than the USA - is completely FALSE.

ASIDE: Frankly - and I lived there for a few months while getting my MA - Paris is a gorgeous city, but EVERYTHING great and beautiful about Paris is 19th Century, (and the best of that century is Second Empire, an era which modern and postmodern Frenchmen hate!).

Since the 20th Century - (beginning after WW1), France has been second rate. Without the UNSC veto (given to them by mistake after WW2), France would have been no more important in world affairs than Belgium. Perhaps - in 75 years, when France is a Muslim nation like Turkey - the history of France will be summarized as follows:
France fell to socialism and postmodernism after WW1, and then fell in deeper despair to Nazism during WW2, and then managed only to climb back up to socialism and postmodernism during the Cold War. France finally completely succumbed to Mohammedanism in the early 21st Century.
Pity. If Sarkozy wins and institutes some Reaganesque, Hayekian and Thatcher-like reforms then perhaps France will survive? I hope so.

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