Saturday, March 17, 2007


A few weeks ago, Eurovision was mulling the banning of an Israeli song that mocked Islamic jihad.

But now, it looks like they've chosen to withdraw any such decision:
Israel's controversial entry for this year's Eurovision has been approved by organisers despite apparent references to Iran's nuclear programme.
Push The Button by the group Teapacks was deemed "generally appropriate", said Eurovision spokesman Kjell Ekholm.

Two weeks ago, Mr Ekholm said the song, which refers to "demonic" rulers and "he's gonna blow us up to... kingdom come" could be banned.

Teapacks deny the song is about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Contest supervisor Svante Stockselius said they do not comment on individual cases, "but a couple of songs caused some discussions".
I realize that Eurovision's got rules that object to politicized songs (or do they?), but I think a song like this, if it does attack the Iranian tyrant, should be allowed into the contest because we can't allow the tyrant to think he can escape the condemnation he deserves, even in showbiz!

The sad thing though, is that it's likely that the judges, likely leftists they may be, will snub the song and not give it any awards.

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