Tuesday, March 13, 2007

ECO-FASCISTS PUSHING FOR "SUSTAINABLE WORSHIP": "Vicars urged to cut down on holy water use"

Vicars are being urged to cut down on their use of holy water to help combat climate change.

Environmentalists claim that faith groups are using too much water and are now urging reverends, rabbis and other religious leaders to go green.

To help, Ecofaith, a partnership of multi-faith groups, is running free seminars to demonstrate ways of "sustainable worshipping".
Sheesh. Besides wanting to ruin the global economy with "GREEN" regulations and taxes, the eco-nutsies want to destroy traditional Judie-Christian worship. AND DON'T FORGET: Prince Charles want to ban the Big Mac. BOTTOM-LINE: THERE IS NOTHING THESE LEFTISTS WON'T DO TO INFLICT THEIR UTOPIANIST FANTASIES ON THE REST OF US.

1 comment:

  1. The true Green Church will have an altar of rotting garbage.

    Because it is sustainable.

    Plus you can compost it after services.
